Registration of Employer and your Domestic Workers for UIF. Registrations for COIDA. Contracts of Employment. Monthly Pay Slips. And Much More

   We first of all ensure that you as Domestic Employer complies with all applicable Laws and Regulations regarding the employment of your Domestic Worker. This includes UIF registration of you as the Employer and your Domestic Worker / Gardener / Nanny / Care Giver / Chauffeur.

We also assist you to catch up any arrears in the case of late registrations.

YesDomestic assists its members with compliance to current Labour Laws, ensuring that the administration thereof is simple, convenient and up to date. We assist with UIF for domestic workers, supply the employer with the relevant employment contracts, timesheets, monthly pay slips and other resources such as leave and sick days. 

YesDomestic helps to grow solid foundations for relationships between domestic workers and employers through building trust and mutual understanding. Each party should understand what their responsibilities and duties are. 

UIF for domestic workers

Online management system

Our platform gives you the ability to make notes on your worker’s professional file. This is a great and convenient way of keeping record of important events, incidents or other relevant information and documentation that you would like to keep a record of. These records are also very important for Department of Labour inspections and CCMA cases. But, more importantly, this creates transparency between you and your domestic worker in terms of events, incidents or other aspects of their work that needed to be addressed and documented.

How it works:

  • After registration, an employer profile, with all the relevant documentation, will be generated on our online portal.
  • Here you will be able to record incidents, events or any other important matters that needs to be documented.
  • You will be able to manage and download any documents that you might need.
UIF for domestic workers

Monthly Payslip

Giving your domestic worker a payslip creates trust that you are in fact compensating them as agreed for their services, but also allows them to use their payslips for other reasons that may arise. You also have the peace of mind that there is an up to date record of your payment history.

How it works:

  • Monthly payslips will be generated as per your employment arrangement.
  • The payslips will indicate UIF for domestic workers, as well as any other payment arrangements. For example: loan arrangements and re-payments.
  • Payslips will be sent to you and be available for download or printing.
  • The payslips can also be sent to your domestic worker if needed.

Your private file management system

Your private document management system gives you the convenience and security to access any related documents. Your online records are not visible to any other member.

Labour assistance & cover

Like all relationships, the relationship between employer and domestic worker can have its problems.

Professional Labour Law advice and assistance is sometimes required and the sooner the better. Do not wait until the relationship is completely destroyed but contact Yesdomestic to assist to resolve as quickly as possible. The relationship between employer and domestic worker can sometimes deteriorate to the stage where professional labour law experts must assist. Yesdomestic has the capacity, experience and skills to assist subscribers to our platform, with disciplinary matters as well as Conciliation and Arbitrations under the auspices of the Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration  (CCMA). (Terms and conditions do apply).

UIF for domestic workers

Contract of employment

Having a professional and labour compliant contract in place is the cornerstone of a healthy employer and domestic worker relationship. We will help you create a professional and labour compliant contract that clearly stipulates the duties and responsibilities of everyone involved in the relationship. This will ensure that you feel secure in the knowledge that you as employer are complying to labour regulations, but also giving your domestic worker the peace of mind and trust that they will not be taken advantage of.

How it works:

  • After registration, you will receive a draft contract of employment.
  • You will be able to review the contract and amend it where appropriate.
  • If there is a language barrier in communicating the specifics of the contract to your domestic worker, we have existing tutorial videos in various languages that can help explain it to them.
  • Once approved, both you and your domestic workers will need to sign the contract.
  • You will need to submit the signed contract and it will be uploaded to your profile.
UIF for domestic workers

UIF Administration

Registering you as the Employer and your domestic worker/s for UIF gives them the peace of mind they will be taken care of in certain situations that might arise and creates trust that you have their best interest at heart. It also leaves you secure in the knowledge that you as an employer are labour compliant. Our services make it easy and convenient for you to register your domestic worker/s for UIF, assess UIF payments in arrears, and managing UIF payments.

How it works:

  • The appropriate UIF forms will be completed and submitted on your behalf.
  • You will be notified once your registration is finalized.
  • A uFiling account will be registered on your behalf.
  • An assessment of UIF in arrears will be made.
  • Payment arrangements can be made to settle any UIF arrears.

Labour Support

“YESdomestic members secure access to our National Call Centre, where you can seek advice for any labour questions you may have. Various workplace situations can arise which need a different labour-compliant course of action to overcome. In such cases you enjoy the peace of mind that you will receive professional and sound advice to help you make informed decisions.”

How it works:

  • You will be able to contact us through our direct line with further support available from our messaging system.